Mistress Blunt and Mistress Eva-Oh tell a romantic ghost story.

Exquisite Corpse with Dominatrix Eva Oh.

Mistress Blunt and Mistress Eva participate in a live storytelling event to co-create one of their dream scenes. Eva Oh is a BDSM Trainer and the creator of #teakink and Safeword Podcast. Her writing has appeared on The Daily Beast and Slutever; and she has been featured in the likes of VICE and DAZED. She also hosts workshops and events on sexuality.

Mistress Blunt in Yoga pants

How Your Friendly Neighborhood Dominatrix is Navigating COVID-19: Eroticizing Social Distance

Hello Darlings, I am sure you have all been eager to know the steps that I have been taking in my business to keep myself and my clients safe in this chaotic and scary time of COVID-19. Let me assure you that I have enough latex gloves and cavicide to last me for a few …

A Whip-Smart Guide to Finding Your Perfect Domme in NYC

A Whipsmart Guide to Finding The Perfect Domme

I was interviewed for Hustler’s Magazine this week about finding the perfect Dominatrix for you. You can read more of the interview here! “Don’t be a little bitch about being a little bitch.” – Mistress Blunt, NYC Femdom Dominatrix Because choosing the right person to cede control to takes a lot of self-determination.

Mistress Blunt NYC Tights + Garter

Manifestation 2019

The thing about BDSM that interests me is a genuine exchange of power. Your submission is a gift. Thank you for letting me play with it. I enjoy dominating individuals who are grounded. Individuals who are submitting to me not out of a place of need but a place of desire. A desire to be …

Forced Self Care

For a masochist, learning to care for oneself can be challenging. Discriminating between healthy, beneficial behaviors and harmful ones can be difficult when joy can be derived from pain. If pain is perceived as a reward, masochists may have an easier time imprinting self-destructive habits outside of consensual and intentional BDSM practices. In some instances …

High Protocol D/s

As a classically trained dominatrix, there is nothing that I enjoy more than high protocol D/s (Dominance/submission) training. Training a submissive up to my standards creates the building blocks to develop a beautiful and mutually beneficial relationship. A relationship where you are able to serve me to my standards. A relationship where you prioritize my …

2018 Holiday Wishlist

For those who asked, here is my holiday wishlist, though to be honest, my life (and closet) are pretty full. And, as always, cash is king. If you’d like to get me something sweet for the holidays this year, I’d adore you stuffing my stocking with cold hard cash. Cash for me to invest, for …

Manifesting: Dream Sessions and Dream Clients.

I know, darlings. Perhaps you’re new to this. Perhaps you still think that this relationship is about what you want. But this is about power exchange. This is not about your ego, this is about learning to serve another. I am uninterested in your fantasy. Of course, revealing them to me is encouraged, as it gives …

Session Feedback.

There is a question on my intake form that asks, “When was the last time you cried?” While all of the answers that I receive are fascinating and revealing, the one that stood out to me the most was a from a genderqueer person who answered the last time they cried was when they were …